Cannabis For Pets Everything You Need To Know -
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Cannabis For Pets Everything You Need To Know


Cannabis For Pets Everything You Need To Know To Treat Your Sick Animal Safely & Effectively

If your dog or cat is dealing with pain, arthritis, anxiety, limping, seizures, cancer, or other life-threatening illnesses, cannabis might be your perfect solution.

When you favorite furry friend gets sick, develops a chronic condition, or gets diagnosed with an illness, it’s heartbreaking. Especially because so many western pharmaceutical treatments are not fully effective, leaving you feeling helpless and scared about your best friend’s uncertain future.

In this ground-breaking new online course, we will give you a step-by-step breakdown about EXACTLY how to treat your pet with all-natural cannabis which could be a much more effective and safe solution.

Traditional pet therapies can be quite costly, and still not provide the results you’re looking for. Take advantage of this new online course which will give you a safer, more effective, and more enjoyable approach to getting your 4-legged friends back to great health.

You’ll benefit by understanding:

You’ll learn how Cannabis for Pets can help these conditions:

This Cannabis for Pets course is for you if:


Gary Richter, MS, DVM Veterinarian/Certified Veterinary Acupuncturist/ Certified Veterinary Chiropractor

Dr. Gary Richter is a certified veterinary acupuncturist and certified veterinary chiropractor. As owner and medical director of Montclair Veterinary Hospital, Dr. Richter understands the benefits of both conventional and holistic treatment methods. His professional goal is to provide a center where pets can receive effective holistic therapies in conjunction with the treatment and care from their general practice veterinarian. He also places great emphasis on the well-being of the pet owner, knowing that a sick pet can cause great strain and strong emotions.

Dr. Richter is a graduate of the University of Florida with a Bachelors of Science, a Masters of Science in Veterinary Medical Science and a Doctorate of Veterinary Medicine.His expertise and experience includes time as a full-time emergency medicine clinician in Berkeley at Pet Emergency Treatment Service and as a general practitioner at Berkeley Dog & Cat Hospital. Dr. Richter has been the owner and medical director of Montclair Veterinary Hospital since 2002.

Robert J Silver, DVM MS CVA Veterinarian/Acupuncturist/Author

Dr. Rob Silver is one of the pioneers in the field of blending and integrating alternative therapies with conventional practices. His integrative practice in Boulder Colorado was one of the first of its kind in the United States. He uses state-of-the art conventional diagnostics and therapeutics hand-in-hand with acupuncture and nutraceutical and herbal therapies.

He is currently the president of the Veterinary Botanical Medical Association,, and has served in the past on the Board of Directors of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association and as President of the Rocky Mountain Veterinary Medical Association.

As a veterinary herbalist in Colorado, he has become expert in the use and applications of cannabinoid therapies.  As a result, he is author of the book, Medical Marijuana and Your Pet  Dr. Silver is the Chief Medical Officer of RxVitamins ( ), a veterinary nutraceutical company, and Director of the Animal Health Division of Folium Biosciences, a vertically-integrated Hemp company in Colorado Springs.

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